Just plain weird: The Burqa Boys

Charles McDonald
4 min readSep 6, 2024


Trump/Vance -A Taliban-Testosterone Ticket……

Woman dressed in burqa
Photo by Elin Tabitha on Unsplash

Vance’s Weird Take On Women’s “True Roles”

What does JD Vance have against women? Inquiring minds wonder: what’s next with these guys? Mandatory Burqas?

Between Trump and Vance, a pattern is emerging. And it’s more than weird:

Trump sexually assaults women. Vance tells them how to live their lives.

“Pursuing racial or gender equity is like the value system that gives their life meaning…[but] they all find that value system leads to misery” — Vance said of women who pursue careers.

Trump’s Vice Presidential nominee has a repressive perspective on how females must behave in society.

Vance’s “childless cat ladies” remark made clear the role women must pursue in life is bearing children. He’s a lifelong opponent of reproductive rights for women.

He lashed out at one particular woman as he laid out his socio-economic theory on exactly how women must conform.

“Mansplaining” on steroids

Vance targeted the leader of the nation’s largest teacher’s union, (a stepmother) saying she “doesn’t have a single child.”

“If she wants to brainwash and destroy the minds of children, she should have some of her own and leave ours the hell alone,” Vance observed.

But he’s not done. Vance has seen enough in his 40 years to be an authority on the life expectations of women beyond child bearing years.

Vance appeared to agree in 2020 with an interviewer that helping to raise children is “the whole purpose of the post menopausal female.”

Fortune 500 CEO’s Mary Barra of General Motors, Jane Fraser of Citigroup, Priscilla Almodovar of Fannie Mae , Carol Tome of UPS — all ranking ahead of Trump lackey Elon Musk - take note.

Why stop at the politics of women’s family roles?

After all, in Vance’s world view, it may be time to repeal the 19th Amendment giving women voting rights 104 years ago.

If Vance believes so strongly in restricted roles for females, where does it end? Does he agree with the Taliban prohibiting educating girls beyond the 6th grade?

If Trump and Vance have their way, should women brace for losing access to savings, checking and credit card accounts?

Vance may believe it’s time to reconsider many gains women have made including earning a diploma, owning property, and obtaining birth control.

Trump’s radical right wing US Supreme Court appointments already wiped out access to abortions under federal law. So why not finish the job?

Trump-Vance could repeal the US laws enabling women’s right of inheritance, enter into contracts and own personal property.

photo of woman handling money
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Trump’s disregard for women is legendary. He’s a convicted felon who owes his sex assault victim millions after his guilty finding.

The New York Times documented in more than 50 interviews women who related sexual assaults by Trump.

Trump is an avowed racist, referring to non-whites coming from “shithole countries.”

It would be difficult to find a more repulsive national figure than Trump, if you’re a woman- or a man, for that matter. But Trump and Vance have a plan.

Trump’s disdain for women and Vance’s pseudo social science are raw appeals to male misogyny

The Testosterone Ticket

The Trump-Vance campaign is making a concerted effort to attract alienated young American males to vote in a national election.

The campaign targets males 18–29 who may see little interest in a Democratic ticket with a middle aged woman and white haired male.

So Trump has embraced the “bro” culture, talking of Hannibal Lecter, tyrannical dictators Putin and Kim Jong Un. He drops WWE references and had Hulk Hogan tear his shirt off at the RNC convention.

Trump and Vance are targeting the “manosphere,” where sexually frustrated, self loathing insecure males cling to figures of power and dominance over females.

When Trump brags of being ready to “be a dictator on day one” it projects an image of confidence and power over women, rather than respect and partnership.

Freud would have a field day with Trump, who has talked of how stars can sexually assault women.

Trump doubles down on his social media websites with sexual jokes, juvenile jeers and crude remarks about women, including Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris.

While Vance tries to dictate how women should lead their lives, he leaves it up to Trump to set the overall tone.

But Trump’s not only trailing in polls, he seems to be losing his grip.

His latest bizarre televised ramblings yesterday on Monica Lewinsky and “such a famous dress” even caught his own lawyers cringing. The guy’s a senile nut job.

At age 78 he’s unable to accept that 81-year old President Joe Biden isn’t his opponent in November.

On the campaign trail, he lurches from one non-sequitur to another, his train of thought flying off the rails in nonsensical rants, as MSNBC notes.

Trump recently said he would vote to uphold Florida’s radical 6-week ban on abortion. Then tried to walk it back.

Many Florida Republican women are working to repeal that law.

Dumb move by Trump. His remarks managed to draw more Democrats to vote in November in an otherwise solid Republican state.

Vance’s whacked out views on women might make him consider slightly moderating his views on females.

Maybe the Trump/Vance ticket will settle for mandatory hijabs.

photograph of woman wearing a hijab
Photo by andri onet on Unsplash



Charles McDonald

Award winning journalist, dog rescuer, husband, dad. If we met at Woodstock, I apologize for memory lapses.