Death By Starling

Charles McDonald
7 min readAug 22, 2021
wreckage of crashed passenger airplane lifted by crane onto barge
My Dad (white raincoat) supervising salvage of Electra Jet crash debris ©AP photo

Speckled brown clumps of feather and gristle were inches from my freckled face.

I was 11 years old. Muddy jagged airplane parts crowded the deck of the heavy salvage barge where I stood.

Looming over me was a giant Lockheed L-188A Electra turboprop aircraft engine. I squinted, looking closer at damp feathers as morning sun reflected off the riveted engine cowling.

Dripping 35 millimeter in-flight movie film drooped over the engine. I recognized Burt Lancaster in a frame.

Delivering a fire and brimstone sermon, he warned of judgment day, portraying a womanizing preacher in “Elmer Gantry.”

This was a cruel judgment indeed. A disaster from an unlucky chain of events re-wrote airline history.

Death had washed over Winthrop, Massachusetts with the fury of a Nor’easter slamming Shore Drive sea walls.

“Don’t touch anything,” Dad said as a motor launch ferried us from the Cottage Park Yacht Club that morning. The barge’s giant crane swung lazily on gentle ocean swells.

I kept my hands in my pockets.

We carried a wooden woven picnic basket with sandwiches my mother made each day to feed the awaiting salvage crew.



Charles McDonald

Award winning journalist, dog rescuer, husband, dad. If we met at Woodstock, I apologize for memory lapses.