PinnedPublished inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeThe Past Wasn’t Dead YetThe date was on a Life Magazine published May 30, 1949, my birth week.Sep 18, 202244Sep 18, 202244
PinnedPublished inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeWhat Writing About Death Taught Me about LifeThe very last wordAug 198Aug 198
PinnedPublished inCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgeThe Year I Forgot ThanksgivingAnd discovered how loneliness feelsNov 226Nov 226
PinnedDeath by starlingSpeckled brown clumps of feather and gristle were inches from my freckled face.Aug 22, 202130Aug 22, 202130
Published inThe Silent PoliticianWe Dumped You Once, Get Lost You DunceYou splashed your name on towers,Oct 31Oct 31
Published inThe Silent PoliticianStumpedA ladies’ wedge boot to the ‘nads is coming on election dayAug 110Aug 110